Jewish Community of the Palouse (Moscow, ID & Pullman, WA Region)
Services August 19, 2017
DJ Sommer's Bar Mitzvah August 19, 2017
Services Jan 22, Feb 19, March 18 & April 1, 2016
FRIDAY NIGHT POTLUCK & SERVICE – April 1, 2016 – at the 1912 Center in Moscow. Potluck at 6:00 PM and Services at 7:00 PM. You can come for one and not the other, you can come for both, and you can come and go at any time. Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein of Spokane will lead services – which will include music, singing and dancing (optional). More information at
SATURDAY MORNING TORAH CLASS will be on April 2, 2016 – between 10 am and NOON. Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein of Spokane will lead our discussion on a very interesting and timely topic. It will be at the home of Jessica Dehart. People can contact Jesica at [email protected] to get directions to her house. It is near Moscow's East City Park.
MUSIC Friday Night in the Jewish Community of the Palouse (JCP), Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, Washington
Niggun Shevet Achim (beginning and ending niggun for 2017-2018)PDF chords
FRIDAY NIGHT POTLUCK & SERVICE – February 19 – at the 1912 Center in Moscow. Potluck at 6:00 PM and Services at 7:00 PM. You can come for one and not the other, you can come for both, and you can come and go at any time. Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein of Spokane will lead services – which will include music, singing and dancing (optional). More information at .
SATURDAY MORNING TORAH CLASS will be on February 20 – between 10 am and NOON – at the home of Judy Sobeloff and Fred Gittes. Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein of Spokane will lead our discussion on a very interesting and timely topic. If you need directions, contact Judy